Spring weather (sigh)
On 2017-04-19 2:10 PM, Bruce wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Apr 2017 11:02:55 -0700 (PDT), dsi1 >
> wrote:
>> On Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at 7:51:45 AM UTC-10, The Greatest! wrote:
>>> I made no reference to Cindy's mon c. 1957, her mother obviously did a good job raising her...that is because from what I see Cindy is a good contributor to this group.
>>> I'm no Pharisee, I hold myself no higher than anyone else. But my behavior is better than some, and some's behavior is better than mine...
>>> The problem as I see is that whole generations -- primarily as a result of originally well - intentioned Democratic social welfare programs -- have been raised sans any sense of responsibility or obligation, these programs are not "empowering", but they are mightily "enabling". These people (and I am not pointing to any specific group, this behavior is somewhat endemic amongst native - born USAin's) do not aspire "up", they aspire down, to the lowest common denominator, they are so dependent on hand - outs, "programs", and such like that they are crippled, they have never been around normal people doing normal things, like getting up in the morning and going to a job, studying hard in school, setting life goals, and on and on and on...
>>> I see penniless immigrants and refugees, newly - arrived from very alien places, but they get out, get working, and do not feel sorry for themselves. They soon gain stability, and their offspring are going to be - or are already - your future doctors, attorneys, engineers, and successful business owners. How many times have we all heard the mantra "The American Dream is DEAD"...NOT true at all, you simply have to go out and work and seize it for yourself. This is not just for foreign - borns, a goodly number of peeps I know wasted their earlier lives on crime, prison, drugs, the whole shebang. In their forties and fifties when they "set the re-set button" on their lives, they are now highly respected and successful...
>>> Much more I could say, there are more pieces to this puzzle, but y'all get my drift...
>> If you're not a liberal when you're young, you got no heart. If you're not a conservative when you're old, you got no brains. Well, that's what they say anyway.
>> You might be heartened to know the kids these days then to be more conservative. It will be interesting to see how they'll care for this planet they now own.
> Conservatives don't care for the planet.
Even though it's in their very name:-(