The thread about home remedies and cleaning silver brought this up. I
don't use the sterling silver flatware. But I did go dig it out of the
drawer in the sideboard.
First of all, it's stored in a Naken's *Tarnish Proof* Silverware
Chest, out of Chicago. I never noticed that label before. But again, I
don't use this silverware. Mom only used it on holidays.
Here's the label on the box. I moved the knives over to take the pic.
Here's the rest of the silverwa
Not touched in years, and not tarnished!
Should I give credit to the Naken's Tarnish Proof Silver Chest? Or
could it be because mother had placed a sheet of plastic wrap over the
knives on the lid of the chest and also over the forks, spoons, all the
other stuff on the bottom of the chest?
At any rate, it's sterling. Roger's Silver Company, circa the 1950's.
Pattern "Old Charleston".
Isn't that odd? I don't believe my mother ever imagined she'd live
within 130 miles of Charleston when she chose that silver pattern.