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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Paula Deen Is Opening A New Restaurant And The MenuLooksRidiculous

On 4/22/2017 2:30 PM, Gary wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
>> Sorry, but around here you don't buy frozen softshell crab. Get it
>> fresh, right off the boat, cook them while still alive.

> No. heheh You are so wrong.

No, I'm not. I've seen many a Local (PBS) cooking shows that feature
area chefs cooking soft shelled crab. And yes, they are still alive
when they're tossed in a skillet and fried in butter. They're kept
cold, they're not frozen. But my local is not *your* local.

I certainly wouldn't be able to buy them that way. OTOH, soft shelled
crabs aren't all that great. The ones I've had still had bits of
exoskeleton. Way too crunchy for my taste. Kind of like the crunch of
eating shrimp tails.
