Thread: Pheasant
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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Pheasant (Halal)

On 4/22/2017 4:04 PM, Bruce wrote:

>> The sense I got from these small scale pig farmers was that they had a genuine affection for their animals. He did not slash the pig's throat - just a short, quick, jab.

> If you love an animal, you don't kill it. Simple.

You can have quite a discussion about the ethics of killing animals and
justification of eating or not eating meat.

First, no animal should be abused in the wild or on a farm or ranch.

In the wild, at times animals will starve from lack of food. it is
better to let them starve and suffer or to kill them quickly and then
eat them?

There is a food chain. Birds eat bugs and worms, cats eat birds,
alligators eat cats and up the line in various trails. Given that
nature requires that some animals eat others to survive, should humans
eat others in the chain?

Some societies eat dogs and cats. If an animal shelter has to euthanize
animals should they be offered as food? If not for humans, for other