Recycling is in trouble and you may be part of the problem
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Recycling is in trouble and you may be part of the problem
On 4/23/2017 9:11 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2017-04-23 8:22 AM,
>> On Sun, 23 Apr 2017 07:59:16 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>>> On a lighter note, here's one thing that I find amusing...
>>> Funny how the two world leaders with the worst haircuts are the ones
>>> threatening with nucs. Both have silly haircuts and they are the ones
>>> that are starting to scare the world.
>> so why did you say avidly that you voted for trump and change???
> Notice how Gary's enthusiasm for the Trumpster has dropped since that
> loonie won the election. I imagine that the US political scene will
> likely end up something like that of post war Germany where no one would
> admit that they had been fans of Hitler.
BS Dave. I freely admit that I supported him right up until almost the
end....just not on the day that it counted. And I'm not backing out. As
far as you Canadians are concerned, just think that I voted for him.
If the Democrats can come up with a decent candidate in 2020, they might
just win.
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