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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Posts: 11,730
Default Adulterated garlic powder (with chalk and talc)

"Janet" wrote in message
.. .

In article >,
> "Janet" wrote in message
> .. .
> In article >,
> > We don't live as we did in the 60's

> Speak for yourself. I was born in the days of "make do and mend", use
> re-use adapt and repair; an ancient tradition of learning skills and
> ways to conserve resources and avoid waste, which I still follow today.
> My childrens generation do the same.
> > nor should we cook as such.

> Nonsense. I ate recipes in the 60's that were popular centuries
> earlier, and I still make and eat them today for the same reason.
> Keeping what's of use and value from the past, doesn't exclude being
> flexible or learning anything new.
> Janet UK
> ===
> Centuries???? How many Centuries?? 5 centuries? 7 centuries?? Do
> describe those foods??

I'm referring to countless roasts, stews, fish, soups, pies, tarts,
pasties, ices, junkets, custards, puddings, cakes. Including Yorkshire
pudding, Lob Scouse, Cornish pasty,Cullen skink, kippers, cured meats,
pickles, game, oatcakes,syllabub, sausages, offal, bacon, hams, curries,
seafood, soups, porridge.

Any self-styled "social historian", even one of very limited culinary
repertoire, must surely know which century those well known British
foods all come from.

So do feel free to "report back" whenever you can tear your tongue and
finger away from dsils arse.

Janet UK


LOL I AM a Social Historian but I never, EVER, pretended that *I* was making
anything centuries old)))))

You still didn't explain, which of the things you cooked this week were the
same as those cooked *centuries* ago????

I am waiting ,,,
