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graham[_4_] graham[_4_] is offline
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Default Tea cups (pic) WAS So, the Sterling Silver

On 2017-04-23 11:03 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2017-04-23 11:27 AM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> On 4/23/2017 11:05 AM, jmcquown wrote:

>>> I like the polka dot green cup and saucer off to the left. It's
>>> whimsicle.
>>> Jill

>> All nice, but I like the one on the far right best. Rarely use a cup
>> though, my morning tea is in a mug. No bags, always a good loose tea.

> I am starting to rediscover tea. I grew up on the stuff. My parents
> were tea drinkers and I always hated milk, so I drank tea. My best
> friends were German, Dutch and Czech and I got the coffee habit from
> them, but still drank mostly tea. While at university I had summer job
> in the furnace room in an alloy plant and quickly discovered that the
> only think that quenched my thirst in that place was hot black tea.
> I had digestive issues that tea got perhaps too much of the blame for,
> and I switched to coffee. I would only have tea once or twice a month.
> I have been in the habit of having a latte every morning, and it has
> caused a different sort of reaction, so a few months ago I started
> having tea. It had to be made in a pot and not allowed to steep too
> long. I have only a cup, or a small mug. I have not had any unpleasant
> reactions to it, so I get to enjoy the clear crisp taste of tea in again.

With digestive issues that you mention, the first thing a Dr will tell
you is to avoid tea, coffee, booze and especially colas and other pops.
That doesn't leave much!