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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default Adulterated garlic powder (with chalk and talc)

On Sunday, April 23, 2017 at 7:55:16 AM UTC-10, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Sunday, April 23, 2017 at 12:53:01 PM UTC-4, dsi1 wrote:
> > Don't try to reason with these people. They don't take kindly to reason.. My guess is that they still take 5 hours to roast a turkey and hold fondue parties. Obstinate and churlish, they are.

> Oh, gosh. I haven't had a fondue party in maybe 10 years. A good time
> was had by all.
> Mind you, we got pretty creative with the dipping sauces. IIRC,
> sriracha was involved in one of them.
> It takes about 4.5 hours for me to roast a turkey, because most
> of it is done at a pretty low temperature. Keeps the breast meat
> from drying out.
> Cindy Hamilton

It takes me about 100 minutes to roast a big turkey. When I started cooking a turkey, I was puzzled at how fast it took compared to my mom's turkey. These days I roast the thigh/legs separately from the bird at the same temperature. If you take a temperature reading of the breast and the thighs roasted this way, you'll find that the thighs are at a higher temperature than the breast. It's an interesting phenomenon but what that means is that the thighs and breast come out done at the same time. Traditionalists will say that hacking the thighs off before roasting is unacceptable. Obviously, I'm not a traditionalist.