Thread: Pheasant
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Default Pheasant

On Tue, 25 Apr 2017 11:00:21 +1000, Bruce >

>On Mon, 24 Apr 2017 20:37:31 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:
>>On 2017-04-24 7:08 PM, wrote:
>>> Back on pheasants - I was at my daughters on Sunday and they have a
>>> pair of nesting (well about to be nesting) pheasants in their back
>>> yard. When I was there the male pheasant was seeing off a crow which
>>> it seemed just decided to challenge him. I said the pheasants would
>>> make a nice meal and it didn't go down well

>>There were lots of pheasants when I was a kid living in what is now
>>Mississauga. We moved to the Niagara area in the mid 60s and there was a
>>steady decline in the population. There are some groups that keep
>>trying to re-introduce them but they just don't want to take. I have not
>>heard or seen one in years.

>Wikipedia says that they're only native to Asia. Why would people
>insist on introducing them to Canada?

Because they were food?