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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Supper last night...... Thai Curry Shrimp

Yesterday my wife got some shrimp out of the freezer with the idea that
I would make her favourite Shrimp dish, a shrimp, garlic and asparagus
stir fry. I decided to try something different. I had some coconut milk
that needed to be used up so I picked up some Thai green curry and
cilantro and tried the recipe linked below.

It was so simple. The worst part of it was shelling the shrimp. Once
that was done I started the rice. Then I sliced up the onion, chopped
the garlic and cilantro. The onions went into a hot pan with some oil.
When softened I added the garlic and chopped green onion, then the green
curry paste. After about a minute I added the coconut milk, water,sugar,
fish sauce and cooked it all together. Then the shrimp went in and were
cooked within about two minutes. Chopped cilantro was added and then it
was dished up on Jasmine rice.

Dang it was good. My wife liked it better than her old favourite.

Now I am in a quandary. We usually cook on the gas grill during the
summer. I grow cilantro in the garden. This is more of a cool weather
inside cooking meal. I had paying a lot of money for a bunch of cilantro
to use in one meal. I need more dishes that use cilantro for the summer
when I have lots of it in the garden.