Chicken cooked in milk
On Wed, 26 Apr 2017 16:47:56 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>On 4/26/2017 4:04 PM, Bruce wrote:
>>> Legalization can cause a heap of troubles, look at the example of Denver. Their homeless situation has exploded since Colorado legalized pot, now there's a huge strain on the social service network. Homeless are encamped all over, on sidewalks even, they are all sitting around getting high via Medicaid - supplied pot. The LAST thing a person in crisis (homeless, jobless, whatever...) needs is an addictive substance that lowers their functioning level even more...
>> Apply the same logic to alcohol and you want that illegal too.
>I think they tried that once. Made a few people rich too.
>Never used marijuana so I don't know how addictive it is but alcohol in
>moderation is OK, but it is often abused.
>My concern about legalization is adding some more impaired drivers to
>the roads. I don't think people should do serious jail time for a couple
>of joints though.
The cops are busy working on it here, looks like it will probably be
giving a mouth swab, like blowing into the machine currently for
alcohol. They are however aware that driving under the influence of
mj is every bit as bad as booze.