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Default Chicken cooked in milk

On Fri, 28 Apr 2017 07:50:10 +1000, Bruce >

>On Thu, 27 Apr 2017 18:21:18 -0300, wrote:
>>On Fri, 28 Apr 2017 06:03:09 +1000, Bruce >
>>>On Thu, 27 Apr 2017 16:30:57 -0300,
>>>>On Thu, 27 Apr 2017 13:20:03 -0600, U.S. Janet B. >
>>>>>On Thu, 27 Apr 2017 15:05:03 -0300,
>>>>>>Yes I was being sarcastic. I feel all that prohibition did was to
>>>>>>make bootleggers rich and we should all appreciate, legal is better
>>>>>>but needs some checks in place such as age and driving etc etc
>>>>>>Mind you, in my part of Canada there are still people with illegal
>>>>>>stills. When I lived in the country I bought from one from time to
>>>>>>time, quicker than a trip all the way back into town.
>>>>>I have read that the reason that we have so many people in prisons in
>>>>>the US is a result of the War on Drugs. We had populations the same
>>>>>as or lower than other countries up to that point.
>>>>>Janet US
>>>>Could be, if I recall correctly don't people go to prison now for mere
>>>>possession of cannabis, whether in quantities to deal or simply a
>>>>personal smoke? Politicians think it sounds great to say they are
>>>>'cracking down on drugs' but usually don't think these things through
>>>I wish they would leave pot alone and focus their resources on ice
>>>(meth). That's the real problem here, also in traffic.

>>Again, with the Fentanyl problem, spending bucks on distributing the
>>antidote freely seems a better bargain.

>I don't know what that is. A pain killer, I guess.

I think it was a legal drug originally but it is now made illegally.
As it is so strong it comes in from China in an envelope and is then
made into pills. The problem arises because when you take one you
have no way of knowing how much fentanyl it contains. If your luck
failed it contains too much and you will die. There is an anti dote
which can be given with good results, given the person is found in
time. It boggles my mind that people take it given it's really like
Russian Roulette, but I suppose when you are totally addicted...