Am Freitag, 28. April 2017 13:46:11 UTC+2 schrieb Bruce:
> On Fri, 28 Apr 2017 04:11:45 -0700 (PDT), sanne
> > wrote:
> >And that's nice, too!
> >I bought a pot for that a few years ago - but I don't really dare to use it
> >inside our flat (char coal) - and I doubt our neighbors'd be amused if I
> >used it on our balcony...
> I guess there's a lot of camping in your future
<G> Too heavy and bulky.
For that purpose, we've got our Korean gas cookers. Ideal for cooking
on the table, too. Better for most kinds of fondue, too. (No, I wouldn't
recommend deepfrying.)
And for Feuerzangenbowle!
I just hope that the smoke alarms we'll get soon won't mind...
> >Finely cubed (1/2 to 1 cm side length), it's much easier to handle.
> >Grated cheese melts too fast and tends to result in one big lump.
> I can't remember, but you're probably right. Maybe this was how they
> got rid of their leftover bits.
That's my guess, too.
Bye, Sanne.