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Default A cooking mistake that turned out well

On Fri, 28 Apr 2017 21:24:55 -0400, jmcquown >

>On 4/28/2017 5:38 PM, wrote:
>> On Fri, 28 Apr 2017 11:41:00 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
>> > wrote:
>>>> Um, I'da hoped you forgot the fehta... I detest fehta... even rodents
>>>> don't consider fehta cheese.
>>> Why do you care what she puts in her quiche? It's not as if you're
>>> going to eat any of it.

>> I don't care but I was responding to her post, that's what newsgroups
>> are for.
>>> Or does the mere mention of feta make
>>> you queasy?

>> No. I just don' like it, I just don't consider that excessively salty
>> tofu a cheese. Farmer cheese would be a lot better
>>> Feta. Feta. Feta. Feta. Feta. Feta. Feta.
>>> Cindy Hamilton

>> Fehta, Fehta, Fehta, Fehta, Fehta, Fehta, Fehta. LOL
>> Even you think Fehta is a joke cheese.

>Excuse me, Sheldon. You've obviously never had really good feta cheese.
> It's not overly salty. You have some sort of prejudice against this
>cheese. That's okay. I don't care. But don't try to tell me what to
>eat or whether or not I should enjoy it. Your dislike of feta is TIAD.

I've tried fehta at Greek restaurants, I don't like it. I'm not
telling you what to eat, just voicing MY opinion about fehta. When
I've been to a Greek restaurant I always told them to omit the fehta
on on salad and add extra olives instead... I like olives I abhor
FEHta. There's no such thing as good fehta., I've never even seen
a brand name... fehta is likely a by product of Greek style sex.