Hey Jill.
On Sat, 29 Apr 2017 10:46:14 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>On 4/28/2017 5:02 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> On 4/28/2017 9:37 AM, Gary wrote:
>>> Everyone there had wine with their meal except for me. They acted like
>>> I was some weirdo requesting water. Wine pared with a good meal is the
>>> ultimate TIAD to me.
>> Any particular reason? Proper pairing is supposed to choose flavors
>> that complement each other. The wrong pairing can be bad though. Do
>> you drink wine alone or do you just not like wine? Nothing wrong with
>> that.
>> IMO, water is the ultimate beverage and goes well with anything.
>I've just never liked any alcoholic beverage with any meal. Not wine
>with a meal and no beer with certain meals that people like to combine
>it with. Water only for me with meals.
>IMO, alcoholic beverages are best alone and not with food. It's a
>separate thing to do for me.
Now thinking about it I don't like alcholic beverages with food. My
first cocktail of the day is after dinner and after I do the dishes
and clean up the kitchen. Only then will I prepare my cocktail and
have it at my PC... about half the time I'll have a second. With
meals I prefer my filtered water with a twist (a small strip of citrus
rind), no ice either. Even at restaurants I'd have a cocktail before
the meal and sometimes another after, but not with food. I don't
drink much water with a meal either, when I'm eating I'm not
drinking... I'd find it very strange to have a beverage with my soup.
In Chinese restaurants the first thing brought to the table is a pot
of tea, I'd have a couple of the small cups while waiting for my first
course, typically soup. At the Chinese restaurants I've been to the
next course doesn't arrive until a few minutes passes since the
preceeding course, so I'll have another cup of tea between courses.
The only time I ever drink tea is at a Chinese restaurant.