Thread: Hey Jill.
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[email protected] is offline
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Default Hey Jill.

Dave Smith wrote:
>I never suggested drinking large quantities of alcoholic beverages with
>food. That was a leap of logic Gary took when he talked about getting a
>buzz on to enjoy food.

"large" is one of those meaningless words unless you're talking
bosoms. LOL

Thing is people have a cocktail before dinner and another with the
start of dinner they will automatically be buzzed before their first
bite only they don't realize it... Gary is correct. And in most cases
people who like alcholic beverages with meals tend to drink more than
they admit/remember. I've been out with other couples, often their
bar tab is more than their dinner. I'm not a wine or beer drinker but
I enjoy a dry martini, and I know just one before dinner gives anyone
a buzz... sitting still and on an empty stomach people are more buzzed
than they know. Restaurants purposely take the bar order long before
they take the food order, then most folks will have had two drinks by
the time the food order is taken and the restaurants know buzzed
patrons order more expensive meals... and then they purposely stall on
bringing the food so most people will order yet another drink...
everyone in the restaurant business knows that alcohol loosens wallets
and inhibitions, that's when patrons order expensive wines.

When I ate out I'd have a couple 2nis before I left home, my wife
would drive and I didn't run up any bar tab... restaurant booze is
outrageously expensive. When I feel like a few drinks I have them at
home, I can't get a DUI heading for my bed.