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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default what do you think/do?

U.S. Janet B. wrote in

> I'm doing fish sandwiches tonight on bollio rolls. I've finely
> shredded cabbage and iceberg lettuce and tossed them together. I am
> really tempted to toss a tiny bit of cilantro in either with the
> lettuce/cabbage or with some mayo/sour cream. I really don't have any
> other fresh herbs right now except some green onions or some dill that
> I froze.. Would you do the cilantro or if you had your choice, which
> of the other two? Further thoughts for the future, please.
> Thanks
> Janet US

Hi Janet, Is bollio a shape and general type of crusty white or is it
specific to a mexian version of a french similar bread? Internet checks
seem to indicate either can be right.

On the fish sammie, sounds good but leave out the cilantro for me.
Sadly, all I taste is soap for that one.

For future ideas, I have a lot of dried spices here. I'd look at a
pinch of Korean red pepper (pinch literally, less than 1/8 ts). If
Chipotle speaks better to you, then use a pinch of that. For a very
different complexion, think minced lemon grass with whites of a chive?
