Sheldon wrote:
> On Sun, 07 May 2017 19:46:32 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> > wrote:
> >On Sun 07 May 2017 08:04:25a, cshenk told us...
> >
> >> U.S. Janet B. wrote in
> >>
> >>>
> >>> I'm doing fish sandwiches tonight on bollio rolls. I've finely
> >>> shredded cabbage and iceberg lettuce and tossed them together. I
> >>> am really tempted to toss a tiny bit of cilantro in either with
> >>> the lettuce/cabbage or with some mayo/sour cream. I really don't
> >>> have any other fresh herbs right now except some green onions or
> >>> some dill that I froze.. Would you do the cilantro or if you had
> >>> your choice, which of the other two? Further thoughts for the
> >>> future, please. Thanks
> >>> Janet US
> >>
> >> Hi Janet, Is bollio a shape and general type of crusty white or is
> >> it specific to a mexian version of a french similar bread?
> >> Internet checks seem to indicate either can be right.
> >
> >A bolillo or pan francés is a type of savory bread traditionally made
> >in Mexico. It is a variation of the baguette, but shorter in length
> >and is often baked in a stone oven.
> Hijacked and posted verbatim without a citation:
"Everything old is new again..."
Remember when the puke would post "My sweet mother's/grandmother's old southron receipts", which were simply recipes he'd copied from the internet...