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graham[_4_] graham[_4_] is offline
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Default what do you think/do?

On 2017-05-09 9:03 PM, Taxed and Spent wrote:
> On 5/8/2017 12:27 AM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Mon 08 May 2017 12:00:23a, JBurns told us...
>>> On 7 May 2017 15:51:24 GMT, notbob > wrote:
>>>> On 2017-05-07, U.S Janet B > wrote:
>>>>> yeah, I've tried freezing cilantro when I have excess and it is
>>>>> a total flop. No taste or smell left.
>>>> Try some organic cilantro.
>>>> I started buying organic cuz I could taste the difference.
>>>> Regular cilantro and flat leaf parsely have become so flavorless
>>>> and tasteless, over the yrs, I don't even bother, anymore. They
>>>> put 'em right next to each other and it's no wonder, they taste
>>>> almost the same. I even started usng curly parsely (garnish), jes
>>>> to get some more parsely flavor.
>>>> Then I discovered organic flat-leaf parsely. WOW! Parsely times
>>>> ten!! Organic cilantro is similar in flavor intensity. If I
>>>> can't find organic, I jes pass.
>>>> If yer sprmkt doesn't carry any, try a health food store. Jes
>>>> taste it.
>>>> nb
>>> I always use curly parsley simply because it does have a stronger
>>> parsley flavour. I was the kid that always ate the parsley garnish
>>> on my plate.
>>> JB

>> I've always preferred curly parsley over flat leaf parsley for the
>> stronger flavor and crisper texture. Every time I've bought flat
>> leaf parsley it had very little flavor and was always limp or
>> wilted. It didn't matter what store stocked it.

> The rest of the world seems to think curly parsley has less flavor than
> flat leaf parsley.

To me, parsley has bugger-all flavour and its only use is decorative:-(