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Default The Colonoscopy Diet

Hi I'm new at this type of writing, yet have had the colonoscopy before an everything is the same. The gallon of Galilyte and nothing! It seems COFFEE/Tea are okay yet NO CREAM OR CREAMER OF ANY TYPE an actually sugar is NOT GOOD either! During was Lil' embarrassing only and I was a little sedateded! After really was not too Bad. Gassy YES it is just Air releasing itself. As air is introduced during procedure to be Able To expand an see everything! A Tune Up For The RearEnd! With the exception of drinking the Solution I must say this is one of the easier and non painful procedures I've had done.Plus if you like and stay awake you can watch the whole procedure with Dr' they will explain what they are doing if asked. So all in all good And Greatly needed Tune-up.
Also on the eating end after procedure just 31st as you reguarly do..You are totally cleaned out so it may take a few 2-3 days to get pumping the waste again...Really though. NO WORRIES KšŸ˜Ž
Relax an Just Do It šŸ˜‰