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Doris Night[_3_] Doris Night[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 721
Default You know those Costco rotisserie chickens . . .

On Fri, 19 May 2017 12:11:15 -0600, U.S. Janet B. >

>On Fri, 19 May 2017 11:47:39 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:
>>On 2017-05-19 10:48 AM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>> On Fri 19 May 2017 07:13:53a, U.S. Janet B. told us...

>>> I like them too. I prefer eating the legs and thighs when first
>>> eatiang warm. I usually reserve the breasts to eat cold in chicken
>>> salad or other dishes. I've never gotten a bad one yet, and they're
>>> always tender and juicy. Compared to the rotiserried chickens sold in
>>> many supermarkets, the Costco birds are generally larger and better
>>> quality.

>>I often tell my son he should consider getting those rotisserie
>>chickens, though not necessarily at Costco. Even at $8.00 they are a
>>good idea for a single guy. He can easily get 3-4 meals out of one and
>>they are as good cold as they are hot.
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>You don't mean that Costco sells the chickens in your store for $8?
>You're supposed to get a 4 pound rotisserie chicken for $4.99 at every
>The Costco chickens are far better and larger than any you can get
>elsewhere. Send him to Costco.
>Janet US

The regular grocery stores around here sell them for $8, and I like
them just fine.

Costco is a 1 1/2 hour drive.
