Dinner Tonight
On 5/21/2017 8:51 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 5/21/2017 6:15 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> That is bullshit on a number of levels. I would suggest that the
>> opposite is true, that people who cook in large quantities in order to
>> have leftovers do so because they don't like to cook.
> I would suggest your reply is bullshit. I like to cook but sometimes
> enjoy not having to do so. Some foods reheat well and make a damned
> good lunch, quick and easy. aif your reheated food is overcooked you
> should learn to better use the microwave.
Thanks, Ed. I like to cook. I don't necessarily feel like cooking
every day. And some meals are really good when gently reheated - using
one of many methods. A microwave at work is sometimes the only option.
Also sometimes helpful at home!
> With the exception of once or twice a month, at my last job I had
> leftovers for lunch every day for 27 years. One of my co-workers used
> to look forward to me bringing her some at times, especially home made
> soup, lasagna, and a few other things.
Sheldon's pork chops with noodles and brussels sprouts would actually
reheat well in a microwave. If sufficiently moist. It didn't look like
he nuked them on high until dry.