> wrote in message
> On Tue, 31 Aug 2004 00:34:04 GMT, Catrin > wrote:
> >LOL, I feel that way about honey. Not any honey, but nice, fresh, local
> >locust honey OR *tupelo* honey from Florida, very, very mild (especially
> >the locust (black locust tree) honey and perfect for tea. Just a drop or
> >two, I have yet to find a tea it doesn't compliment.
> Honey is a fine substitute, but my concept of tea, well, probably could be
> called tea flavored sugar. Definitely more than a couple of drops to make
> sweet enough for me.
> I like my tea sweet, just like I like "Sweet" Iced Tea. Its called sweet
for a
> reason, and since thats the way I've always had it, thats the way I make
it and
> expect it to taste. Hot tea doesn't have to be as sweet as the "Sweet Iced
> but its going to have a good dose of sugar in it.
Hey- whatever works for you. Chacun au son gout.