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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Alfredo makes my stomach sick

On 2017-05-27 6:59 PM, notbob wrote:
> On 2017-05-27, Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
>> Barilla makes gluten free pasta and is barely more expensive than their
>> regular pasta. That should solve your problem with pasta dishes.

> Fortunately, I don't like pasta. If it ain't mac/cheese, I can't use
> it. The term, "gluten free" is a joke. Gluten free water, ice cream,
> etc!? Gimme a freakin' break!

There are people who genuinely react badly to gluten. Then there are
those who jump on the gluten free band wagon. It is another form of
diet that revolves around the person and makes them special. A while
back I was in the corner baker having a coffee and the owner was at the
next table with a woman who was placing an order for sandwiches, wraps
and pastries for a family occasion. I almost felt sorry for the woman as
she was rhyming off the special diets that her daughters/grandaughters
were affiliating themselves with. A couple of them were vegetarian, one
was vegan, one was gluten free, one was lactose intolerant. Sorry, but
I don't have the patience. I would either not bother and feed a variety
to them and let them figure it out, or I would just have a pot luck and
let them bring their own food. I have my own food issues and simply
pick and choose from what is offered. My main issue is lactose, so I
avoid the dairy.