"None Given" > wrote in message
> "MoPaMaN" > wrote in message
> . com...
> > I'm a new diabetic (type 2, since June). I've had my BS level pretty
> in
> > the 80 to 110 range. The last few days I haven't been feeling to feel,
> > I've been eating OK except for about 3 cups of Low Carb Ice cream
> yesterday.
> > Now, this afternoon, I'm having been minor chest pain, so I took a Nitro
> > pill and thought I would check my BS. It was 160, after being 108 this
> > morning. I've eaten normal today.
> >
> > Could the Nitro pill cause this? Or is it a delayed reaction to the ice
> > cream? Or, have I srewed the pooch?
> Maybe Jenny has an opinion on the ice cream, if it was high in sugar
> alcohols maybe it was a delayed reaction to that?
> btw..I made some low carb ice cream the other day substituting splenda for
> the sugar and powdered milk plus splenda and smart balance margarine for
> sweetened condensed milk. I would have tried using the low carb milk also
> instead of the whole milk in the recipe but I could only find the
> flavor at the store that day. Anyway, it figures out to 6 grams of carb
> a ½ cup serving, but it came out really hard, it tastes good but you have
> whittle pieces off the block with an ice cream knife. Anyone have an
> what may soften up my new recipe, aside from the microwave?
Real cream and real butter...
Scott Hendryx---Remove Clothes To Reply!
Lein Said "Now I'm wondering, is my dog a Democrat or a Republican? Being a
collie, I'd have to say democrat since her breed is one that likes to
round up and control a bunch of sheep, and she barks a lot at stupid