Alfredo makes my stomach sick
On Sat, 27 May 2017 19:49:54 -0700, The Newest Other Guy
> wrote:
>On Sat, 27 May 2017 19:10:05 -0400, Dave Smith >
>>On 2017-05-27 6:40 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>>> But she said she "can eat cheese, processed cheese and even drink
>>>>> some milk".
>>>> Some cheeses are worse than others. I don't have a problem with
>>>> aged cheddar, Brie or blue cheese. Mozzarella is the worst, though
>>>> I don't think it would be in al Fredo.
>>> Did you mention parmesan? That's the cheese you need for al fredo.
>>Nope. I did not mention Parmesan. I know it is the cheese in al Fredo. I
>>was just talking about cheeses in general and the range of reaction to
>>it. I have never noticed a problem with Parmesan, but I most certainly
>>react to Mozzarella.
>Mozzarella is a very high fat cheese, so..
Fat content per 100 g:
Mozarella: 22
Danish blue: 25-30
Gorgonzola: 25-35
Parmesan: 26
Brie: 28
Cheddar: 33
Just a bit of fa(c)t checking.