N-word Phrases
On 5/28/2017 7:37 AM, sanne wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 28. Mai 2017 13:12:32 UTC+2 schrieb Bruce:
>> Is this the ultimate insult between women? "Your stove is dirty!"
> <G> No offense taken.
> And between men (kitchen-wise)?
> "You scrub your iron pans with soap-water!"
> "You put your knives in the dish-washer!"
> "You bbq chicken-parts (others than wings) and eat them!"
> "You like tofu!"
> And - the ultimate (but suitable one):
> "You like your steak well done with ketchup!!!"
So funny.
"You eat pizza with a fork!" or better "You parboil your ribs!"