Thread: Weber Grills
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Blair P. Houghton
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Kent H. > wrote:
>Weber gas grills are well thought out, especially the three burner
>models. However, they aren't hot enough. They won't cook a steak with
>the lid up,

So close the lid. I do. My steaks come out perfect unless
I misjudge the age and fat content (long-frozen, low-fat
steak cooks faster than fresh marbled steak).

Just leave the thing on High until the needle goes off
the thermometer scale, then leave it a couple more minutes.

Three to four minutes per side (medium-rare to medium for a
1-inch USDA Choice steak).

Throw a pasilla pepper in when you put on the steak, and
flip them at the same time, then when the steak is resting
(under foil) you can seed and skin the pepper, dice it,
and use it as a steak condiment.

>and char the surface of the meat.

Mine sears wonderful grill marks into steaks. I give each
steak a thin slather of EVOO and a good coat of salt and
a sprinkle of coarsely, freshly ground pepper.

I added spears of zucchini with the same treatment plus a
little italian herb seasoning last time, and it was fantastic.

>On the other hand, no other gas grill will either, except possibly the
>infrared grills.

If you want a true "Pittsburgh" steak, then yes, you
need real charcoal within millimeters of the meat, or gas
burners like a wok station.

>Finally, consider your needs. What do you cook? When do you do it? Are
>you retired? Or, do you come home from work and have to eat in a hurry?

My last grill meal was a steak (thawed), zucchini, and
pasilla pepper, and the whole thing took 1 hour from
removing the grill tarp to putting it back on with all
dishes in the dishwasher.

"And I didn't miss more than a minute
of the ballgame."