OT Tats and mutilation
On 2017-06-02 12:25 AM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Thu 01 Jun 2017 08:11:11p, Dave Smith told us...
>> The last time he was her with his parents we told them to bring
>> something to eat. That was a slight improvement, but it was about
>> 4 years ago and he has not been invited back. His parents seemed
>> to be under the impression that any invitation would naturally
>> include the 40 year old who lives in their basement.
> We have a very small but congenial circle friends that we get
> together with occasionally, either at someone's home or at a
> restaurant. I know that some may have an issue with certain foods
> but they would never mention it, nor would I. If we're serving a
> meal, we choose what will be served. If someone chooses not to eat
> something, that's fine. Nothing is said. I often use chocolate in
> some of the desserts I make and one friend cannot eat chocolate for
> dietary reasons. In that particular case I make sure that I have an
> individual non-chocolate dessert for him. Even if I didn't consider
> that, he would never feel slighted.
> OTOH, my partner David is very picky and has a very limited range of
> foods that he will eat. However, he never makes an issue of what is
> served when there is a group of people. At home with just the two of
> us I have always cooked either something we both like, or I will make
> two different meals so that we each get what we want. We've done
> that for 25 years. :-)
> If I knew someone like your nephew, I would absolutely never invite
> them. It's just plain rude of people like that.
There are somethings that I am not crazy about and some foods that
bother me. The list is short, and I usually try a little to be polite.
I have posted before about the time he was here for Christmas and we had
more than a dozen choices for dessert. Between me, my mother and his
mother there were was Christmas pudding, several types of cookies,
squares, biscuits, tarts, cakes and a fruit platter. He stood there
whined there was nothing he liked. Everyone else tried just about
everything. I is disappointing to go to the effort to make sure there is
something for everyone, but to have a grown man pouting about us not
being able to appease his peculiar tastes is infuriating.
He was invited back at my wife's insistence. Apparently you cannot have
a family Christmas dinner and not include one person. However, the
parents were told to bring something for him to eat.