Thread: teriyaki sauce
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Default teriyaki sauce

On Thu, 15 Jun 2017 08:34:34 -0700, "Cheri" >

>"lucretia" > wrote in message
.. .
>> On Thu, 15 Jun 2017 06:26:25 -0700, "Cheri" >
>> wrote:
>>>"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
>>>> I understand that, but it makes no sense to me for someone with such
>>>> a deadly allergy to allow themselves to be exposed to peanuts where
>>>> peanuts could literally be found almost anywhere.
>>>> It's also grossly unfair for the vast majority of people (say, in a
>>>> large office) to not be allowed to have peanuts because just one
>>>> person is allergic. If that individual has a problem, then they
>>>> either should not be working there or they should work from home.
>>>> Today's culture seems to allow for any possible disability, only to
>>>> make those not so disabled to suffer for it.
>>>> If I want to eat a candy bar with peanuts, I will eat it.
>>>> We used to socialize with a large group of acquaintances, one of whom
>>>> claimed to be highly sensitive to wheat gluten. These gatherings
>>>> were frequently potluch affairs. It was an accepted pracatice for
>>>> anyone bringing a food to the potluck that it not include anything
>>>> with gluten. Considering how many things contain gluten, a lot of
>>>> really good food choices were never brought to these affairs. In
>>>> this case it was rediculous, because the person with the allerge had
>>>> only to choose from everything else that would not have had gluten.
>>>> I always made a point of bringing beverages or disposable
>>>> dishware/flatware, and stating that I would have gladly baked a cake,
>>>> but I don't use gluten-free flour. Utter nonsense!!!
>>>> If we happened to go to a restaurant, it was noticed by many that the
>>>> allergic individual did in fact eat dishes that contained gluten.
>>>> What an asshole.
>>>> This entire allergy issue simply ****es me off.
>>>I never knew a single person that had allergies when I was a kid, not one.
>>>Peanut butter sandwiches were rampant I tell you, simply rampant, home
>>>cupcakes were sent to school for parties etc., and nobody ever went to a
>>>friends house with a note to tell their mother what they could and
>>>have for snacks. LOL

>> I remember a friend of my grandson coming with him to enjoy our beach.
>> Sensible mum had included an epi pen with his gear because he was
>> deadly allergic to bee/wasps stings. Before he went in he showed it
>> to me, told me how to use it, then it was forgotten. It was good
>> thinnking on her part to train him because we had a drystone wall and
>> frequently wasps and squirrels nested in them.
>> I expect you've seen doctors are urging mothers to forget the peanut
>> butter hysteria and tell them the younger they start to eat it the
>> less likelihood of reaction. Part of the problem was the idea in the
>> 80s that babies not be fed anything solid before they were about a
>> year old. I had suggested to my daughter she give her eldest son some
>> Pablum at night because he always woke in the middle of the night
>> hungry. He was 9 1/2 lbs at birth so milk didn't seem much for him
>> My SIIL was horrified but when I stayed with her when he was away on a
>> business trip, I took Pablum with me and he started sleeping through!
>> My younger granddaughter was at her other grandmothers home and I went
>> to pick her up. She asked me to come in while she finished giving her
>> some supper. She was enjoying a boiled egg - I remarked that her
>> daughter and mine had both said babies were not supposed to eat eggs
>> anymore. We had a good laugh and as she said, the baby could tell no
>> tales as she wasn't talking yet They have all grown up as very
>> healthy individuals.

>Yes, when my kids were babies in the 60's the doctor started them on cereal
>like pablum at 3 months old, and many soft type foods followed. True, about
>no tales. LOL

Before my daughter had teeth she was gumming spaghetti by the two
handed fistful... made a mess under the highchair but that's what
cheap plastic shower curtains were for.