teriyaki sauce
On 6/16/2017 2:56 PM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> I never saw a black student in my elementary school. Does that
>>> mean that no black children went to school?
>>> Cindy Hamilton
>> Now you're picking at nits. I went to school in many different states.
> It was an analogy. An example. I was trying for a non-numeric
> example for the point I was trying to make.
>> You're the one who thinks this discussion needs to be reduced to numbers.
> It's not about numbers. It's about proportion. We were
> talking about the seeming increase in allergies from "then"
> until "now". Although it's probable that the number of
> allergy sufferers has increased, it doesn't make a lick
> of sense to say "when I was young I didn't know anybody
> who had allergies, therefore the number of people with
> allergies has increased".
> The proportion of "people someone knew as a kid" to
> "all people who might have suffered allergies when I was a kid"
> is so small that no conclusion can be drawn from it.
> Well, I think I'm done for now. In the face of insurmountable
> innumeracy, I have to concede.
> Cindy Hamilton
Don't concede yet. There were no black kids in my school either. I'm
pretty sure we have proof they did not go to school. We had no peanut
allergies either!