Not cooking today by interested!
Julie Bove wrote:
> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> 9.44...
>> On Sun 18 Jun 2017 01:04:35p, Ed Pawlowski told us...
>>> On 6/18/2017 2:40 PM, cshenk wrote:
>>>> Just curious what the rest of you are making?
>>> Veal chops will be grilled. Potato salad is already made. Not sure
>>> what veggie yet.
>> I have a pork loin roast on the rotisserie in the grill. I made a
>> sweet potato bacon salad that's chillingin the fridge, and i'll be
>> grillimg beafsteak tomato halves with olive oil and herbs shortly
>> before serving the meal. There's still some chocolate frosted yelow
>> cake for dessert.
>> I'm spending as little time as possible in the 110 degree heat!
> Interesting! Angela might like the sweet potato bacon salad.
probably not