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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Have Your Tastes in Food Changed?

On 2017-06-21 10:35 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> Except as a child, I've never really cared for sweets. I didn't grow
> up having dessert with every meal. As such, I never quite understood
> the notion of having a slice of cake or pie after dinner. Dessert
> menu in a restaurant? I'll pass.

I have always liked to have dessert, but things that are really sweet I
eat only in small amounts. I eat a square of dark chocolate every few
days, but just one square. I rarely eat candies. Yet, dessert remains
an important element of a meal for me.

> These days, however, I find myself wanting a couple of cookies or a
> scoop of ice cream in the evening after dinner. Suddenly I love
> sweets!
> There are a lot of articles online about this. Here's one:
> When Dad was 83, Mom had a hard time getting him to eat. (It didn't
> help that he had Alzheimers.) There was nothing wrong with her pot
> roast, mashed potatoes and green beans. But she never really made
> much use of herbs and spices. On some level I realized he didn't
> want to eat because he couldn't really taste it. Had to kick things
> up a notch, so to speak.
> Have your tastes in food changed as you get older?

There are things I like now that I did not like when I was younger, like
squash and yams. I like carrots less than I did when I was young. I like
fish a lot more than I used to, but that may be because I learned how to
cook it better. I used to despise Brussels Sprouts, but now that I have
them barely cooked they are quite good. I like a lot more herbs and
spices that I used to. I learned to like lamb, and to eat beef rare.