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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Have Your Tastes in Food Changed?

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> Except as a child, I've never really cared for sweets. I didn't grow up
> having dessert with every meal. As such, I never quite understood the
> notion of having a slice of cake or pie after dinner. Dessert menu in a
> restaurant? I'll pass.
> These days, however, I find myself wanting a couple of cookies or a scoop
> of ice cream in the evening after dinner. Suddenly I love sweets!
> There are a lot of articles online about this. Here's one:
> When Dad was 83, Mom had a hard time getting him to eat. (It didn't help
> that he had Alzheimers.) There was nothing wrong with her pot roast,
> mashed potatoes and green beans. But she never really made much use of
> herbs and spices. On some level I realized he didn't want to eat because
> he couldn't really taste it. Had to kick things up a notch, so to speak.
> Have your tastes in food changed as you get older?
> Jill

I ate things as a child that I won't eat now. Chicken hearts and steak come
to mind. Also fried okra. We had that a lot in the summer. But who knows? We
can't get good, fresh okra here. If we could, I might still eat that. In
general though, I have never eaten a lot of fried foods. Also have not been
a big sweets eater. There are certain specific sweets that I like, such as
Twizzlers but only the strawberry flavor and Mentos but only the peppermint.

I have been told and have also read that our taste buds will die out when we
get old. The ones that taste sweet are the last to go. This is why so many
seniors prefer sweets. I am not to that point yet.