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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Have Your Tastes in Food Changed?

On 6/21/2017 11:04 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2017-06-21 10:35 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>> Except as a child, I've never really cared for sweets. I didn't grow
>> up having dessert with every meal. As such, I never quite understood
>> the notion of having a slice of cake or pie after dinner. Dessert
>> menu in a restaurant? I'll pass.

> I have always liked to have dessert, but things that are really sweet I
> eat only in small amounts. I eat a square of dark chocolate every few
> days, but just one square. I rarely eat candies. Yet, dessert remains
> an important element of a meal for me.

Unfortunately, I've always liked sweets. As a rule, we don't have
dessert, but a couple of hours later we have a sweet snack. Like Jill,
it may be a scoop of ice cream.

After lunch at work I'd usually have a small piece of candy like 2
Hersheu kisses. About 2 PM I'd have a piece of fruit

After breakfast (often 2 fried or soft boiled eggs) I will often have a
second piece of toast with strawberry preserves to finish my tea. I
guess you could consider it to be dessert.