Thread: BGE or Kamado
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fatsam wrote:
> Just looked at a BGE it seemed pretty cool.
> There doesn't appear to be a Kamado dealer anywhere in town (Minneapolis)
> and I was wondereding how they compare for size, function, etc
> There is also a Primo dealer in town , but I haven't gotten there yet.
> fatsam

AFAIK, Kamado sells directly to the consumer. No dealers. I saw a Primo
Kamado at the Outdoor Cooking Store in White Bear Lake. It looks exactly
the same as the Kamado. The unit in the store was sitting directly on
the floor and was very low. Not sure if anything is avaialable to have
it sit higher.

Will consider this unit when my WSM no longer serves its' purpose well.
About 20 years I expect :-)

Happy Q'en,