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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Have Your Tastes in Food Changed?

jmcquown wrote in

> On 6/22/2017 11:23 AM, cshenk wrote:
> > jmcquown wrote in
> >
> >
> > My Mom's definately was. The food wasn't terrible and was always
> > balanced and on time, but when kids pray for school lunches of the
> > 60's and TV dinners of the same era, you kinda got the picture ;-)
> >

> I got the picture. I didn't pray for school lunches. The only
> time I remember asking for lunch money was when we lived in Vista,
> outside of San Diego. I was... hmm, 7. It was going to be "taco
> day" and all my classmates were excited about it. So I asked for
> lunch money. Might have been 50 cents, I don't really remember.

I don't either. I just remember with 3 kids, it was more tham Mom had
to do all the time.

> Mom said, "You won't like them [tacos]." Reason being, they put
> iceburg lettuce on the tacos. I hated lettuce. (Still do, as a
> matter of fact.) But Mom gave in to teach me a lesson.
> The "lunch lady" in the cafeteria wouldn't leave the lettuce off my
> tacos. Ugh! I wouldn't eat them. The teacher/cafeteria monitor
> refused to let me out until I ate it. I refused. They called my
> mom, "She won't eat her lunch." "Of course she won't, she hates
> lettuce." LOL
> What right did they have to try to force me to eat something I didn't
> like? None. Why couldn't they have simply skipped the lettuce? It
> was an assembly line, surely you don't HAVE to put shredded iceburg
> lettuce on the taco. It would have been easy enough to leave out.
> That was the last time I ever bought lunch at a school cafeteria.

Dunno, but in my case, I'd have devoured them and if lettuce bothered
me, I'd have picked it out then devoured them. Then again, I like
Balut, squid, raw fish, and a host of things most consider quite odd,
so I don't find it odd that I'd do that.

It is odd that they wouldnt put it on the side for you. I wonder why

> BTW, I will eat tacos all day long as long as there aren't raw
> vegetables (or salsa, can't stand that either) piled on top. All I
> need is a crispy shell, some spicy beef (ground or shredded) and top
> it with cheese.

I'm not too fond of most of their salsas . I do like a little sour
cream on that item. I got one with a little scoup of Guacamole once
and loved that! Odd yes, but I liked it.
