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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Have Your Tastes in Food Changed?

On 2017-06-22 4:16 PM, Bruce wrote:

>> My mind says a leaf is an herb, and a seed, pollen or bark is a spice.
>> Not sure where flowers or garlic bulbs might classify but I'd lean to
>> herb for a flower and spice for a bulb.

> I don't think garlic is a spice. I think it's a vegetable. (I say this
> in a very unpedantic manner.)

One of the things that makes something a herb or a spice is that is it
used in small amounts to flavour dishes but is not really used as a
food. Garlic often is eaten as a good. It may be a minor ingredient
because of its potent taste, but there a number of dishes that use large
amounts of it. It can even be roasted and then used as a spread om bread
or crackers. It may be very strong tasting, and it may vary a lot in
taste and potency depending on the way it is cooked, but it is more of a
vegetable than a herb.