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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Hot weather coming!

On 6/23/2017 3:11 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> Arizona would have a much smallaer population if it were not for A/C.
> Swamp coolers, the precursor to A/C, are still in heavy use here, and
> many people jave both installed. However, swamp coolers aren't nearly
> as effective, and during the monsoon season with much higher humidity,
> they don't do much good at all.

From what I've heard, swamp coolers work in dry climates by adding
humidity to the air. Julie in Seattle area had bought a couple in past
years but that area is not dry. They sure wouldn't work here in
virginia... the last thing you want is to add humidity to the air.

She suffers each summer but is stubborn about buying even a small air
conditioner. She will break down and figure a way to add one as summers
seem to get progressively hotter plus she gets older and less tolerant
to hot days

I've got ac and I try to use it sparingly....a higher temp with ac
combined with a fan blowing on me at night works ok but when I had
ferrets for 12 years, I often kept the ac on just for them. Unlike cats
and dogs that can pant to dispell body heat, ferrets can't do that and
you risk heat stroke and death once the temp goes over 80F inside.

I still often have to work out in this heat and it can be very brutal. I
sometimes come home so wet from sweat, it's like I got hosed off.
When it's that way, I come home and turn on the ac and I don't care how
much the electric bill is....this is survival in the semi-south.

And as I said in another thread, YES I believe in global warming.
Summers get progressively hotter each year - for the last 45 years that
I've lived right here.