Gary wrote in
> On 6/23/2017 3:52 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> > On Fri 23 Jun 2017 12:35:34p, Gary told us...
> > > Mine is set at 75 and I turn it off when I leave for work and also
> > > when I go to bed at night. I do use a bedroom fan though.
> > >
> > > Been hot and humid here lately so even 75 feels great to me.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Unless you're gone for days at a a time, it isn't economical to turn
> > it off and on, or even to raised the temperature setting rather high
> > and then cool it down to much lower. Your system works much more
> > efficiently at a constant setting, or varying it only by a few
> > degrees. According to HVAC engineers, this is a proven fact.
> Ha. When I just wrote that, I KNEW someone would refute it like you
> just did. I know the theory but believe me, I've lived in this
> apartment and I tried it both way -
> 1) set ac and leave it on all summer at constant temp
> 2) same temp but turn off and on as I come and go
> I've done that and my off and on saves half the electricity each
> month. Maybe because my place is small (1100 sq feet). It does
> retain the cool when I turn it off in the morning. I come home 10
> hours's 95 outside and maybe 78 inside...just residual
> coolness.
> I know that "leave it on" is the popular way and maybe that works on
> larger houses. I've done both ways though and no way leaving the ac
> on saves me money....equals about twice the electric bill when I've
> done it.
> Theories are good and I understand that theory but it does not work
> in my little abode.
Hi Gary,
I think a lot has to do with insulation levels and probably heat
blocking curtins that help that. I have someone here pretty much 24/7
and a bigger place so turning off doesnt make sense. I am pretty well
insulated though.
We do keep it warmer than most in summer, but it's all in what you are
used to so it doesn't bother us at all.
It's winter when my cost cutting kicks in. The houses around me are
all a little smaller (ours was the little upscale in the new
subdivision when built). I have a functional fireplace and know how to
correctly use it. Between better insulation and it's use, I run 1/3
less easily in winter on bills for heating.