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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Hot weather coming!

On 2017-06-23 6:31 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Fri 23 Jun 2017 01:02:06p, Dave Smith told us...
>> On 2017-06-23 3:35 PM, Gary wrote:
>>> On 6/23/2017 9:40 AM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>>> On 6/23/2017 7:41 AM, wrote:
>>>>>>>> I would be unhappy at 95.
>>>>>>> I would be extremely unhappy at 95.
>>>>>> Me, too. My thermostat is set for 71 F.
>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>> Mine is at 71ºF too.
>>>> Just a couple of wimps that can't take a little heat. Mine is
>>>> set at a much warmer 72
>>> Mine is set at 75 and I turn it off when I leave for work and
>>> also when I go to bed at night. I do use a bedroom fan though.
>>> Been hot and humid here lately so even 75 feels great to me.

>> It has been up and down like a yoyo hear. On Monday it was hot and
>> humid but Tuesday was cool and windy. Wednesday was warm and
>> rainy. Right now it is cool and pouring rain.

> Our year to date rainfall where I live in Phoenix has been 2.19
> inches.

That is about what Toronto had today. We had massive rain about a month
ago. Lake Ontario is more than 3 feet above it's normal height. I have
mentioned before that I belong to a kayaking club. One of our usual
paddling locations is Jordan Harbour. It tends to be shallow enough
that we often have trouble getting to the Bailey Bridge at the south end
of it. In the spring or after heavy rains we have trouble getting that
far because of the current. If it has not been raining for a while we
have trouble because the water is low and it is rocky. This year we have
no problem getting up there because the water is nice and deep,and
there is no current because the lake is so high.

Earlier this week I went down to Port Dalhousie to have lunch with my
son. We walked down to where the beach used to be. There is no beach. It
is not just that the water is high enough to raise the level above teh
sand. The sand has been sucked away. There are beach volley ball courts
that used to be on the beach. The courts are now way out in the water
and, based on the location of the paint that used to be above the level
of the sand beach, more than 2 feet of the sand has been sucked away.