Hampton Creek "Recall"
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Posts: 101
Recipe: Vinaigrette, was: Hampton Creek "Recall"
On 6/26/2017 7:28 AM, sanne wrote:
> Am Montag, 26. Juni 2017 13:13:05 UTC+2 schrieb Janet:
>> In article >,
>>> Am Montag, 26. Juni 2017 10:32:36 UTC+2 schrieb Julie Bove:
>>>> "sanne" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> Am Montag, 26. Juni 2017 06:13:13 UTC+2 schrieb Julie Bove:
>>>>>> There are other eggless mayos. I just prefer this one.
>>>>> You know how to whip up mayo? Eggless is no problem, it's vinaigrette
>>>>> then.
>>>>> Here's the how to with varieties included:
>>>>> Mix
>>>>> - 1 part hot mustard with a little
>>>>> - salt and pepper and
>>>>> - 3 parts vinegar of your liking or the "water" from pickles; you may
>>>>> substitute some of that with apple juice or add a pinch of sugar.
>>>>> Slowly add (as for mayo) up to
>>>>> - 9 parts of oil of your liking; you may substitute some of that with
>>>>> yogurt (dairy or soy) etc.: First the oil until the mixture gets thick,
>>>>> then a little more, then the yogurt if used.
>>>>> Keeps a long time in the fridge.
>>>>> Bye, Sanne.
>>>> Ugh! Sorry but that's not mayo.
>>> As I wrote.
>>> "You know how to whip up mayo? Eggless is no problem, it's vinaigrette then."
>>>> And I don't want to whip anything up. I've
>>>> tried making vegan mayo. It's not good.
>>> Don't you like to whip it up yourself - or wasn't the result good enough?
>>>> I like this stuff. This is it. As
>>>> you can seem there is no mustard in it.
>>> Thank you; that's what I was looking for (but not long enough ;-)).
>>> For vinaigrette, mustard is the emulsifier.
>>> For mayo, it's the protein lecithin - from egg or - in your case - from
>>> peas and the modified starch:
>>> Bye, Sanne.
>> Sanne, don't waste your time trying to help Julie. We've all been
>> there. Whatever you suggest is impossible for Julie on multiple grounds,
>> and will be rudely rejected.
> I know. ;-)
> But maybe some others will like the recipe I posted.
> Bye, Sanne.
I do! Thank you for posting it.
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