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Default Wow, Wayne, burn center is busy there

On Mon, 26 Jun 2017 10:16:31 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2017-06-26 8:43 AM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> On 6/26/2017 4:58 AM, JBurns wrote:
>>> You should not leave any visible valuables in the car. Remove any
>>> gadgets (GPS and dashcams) and puit them in the glove box. I once had
>>> a window broken so the thief could steal a handful of loose change.
>>> JB

>> That is why my car is unlocked. The most damage I had was some junk in
>> the glove box had to be put back in. The most you will find is a tire
>> pressure gauge and a pack of Tic-Tacs.
>> If a reasonably competent thief wants to steal my car, he is going to
>> get it no matter what locks and alarms it has.

>My brother lives in a small city not far from here and breaking in to
>cars seems to be a hobby for a small group of people. They will go
>through neighbourhoods and open unlocked doors on cars on the street and
>in driveways, and if the doors are locked they use various means to open
>them. They steal loose change, GPS, CDs and other goodies left in the cars.

The most valuable items a thief will find in my car is a stack of
ancient raggedy road maps that once were free at every gas station,
and a 99¢ air gauge in the glove compartment, and in the center
console there's a box of Kleenex, a roll of Scott TP, and a used
plastic urinal that may or may not have been washed recently.