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Cindy Fuller > wrote:
: In article <gymZc.8106$3l3.6431@attbi_s03>,
: Julia Altshuler > wrote:

:> Cindy Fuller wrote:
:> You also can try the New Vegetarian Epicure, by
:> > Anna Thomas.
:> I've seen the New Vegetarian Epicure in bookstores and didn't pick it
:> up. I (perhaps wrongly) assumed it was just a reissue, and since my old
:> ones (books I and II) are in good shape, I've been using them. Are the
:> recipes significantly different? I practically learned to cook with the
:> Vegetarian Epicures and Moosewood cookbooks.
:> --Lia

: The vegetarian philosophy back in the 70's was, "We're not eating meat,
: so we can eat all the eggs/cheese/butter/oil we please." The New
: Vegetarian Epicure is a whole different animal from Thomas's first two
: books. The recipes are different and lower in fat. It's also organized
: around menus and seasons--one section contains family menus, the other
: has entertaining menus. I recommend it.

Another truly wonderful vegetarian cookbook is Deborah Madison's
'Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone.' I think I've probably used
at least 1/3 of the recipes in the book, and thems better stats
than for any of my other cookbooks.

Sacramento, California