Recipe: Vinaigrette, was: Hampton Creek "Recall"
"Janet" > wrote in message
.. .
> Sanne, don't waste your time trying to help Julie. We've all been
> there. Whatever you suggest is impossible for Julie on multiple grounds,
> and will be rudely rejected.
> Julie is determined to forever remain a helpless but eager victim of
> deprivation, anger, disappointment, emotional turmoil, unfairness etc.
> Mayo loss and mean treatment at the Target till are just the latest in
> a long line of the tragedies she loves to wallow in.
> Janet UK
You didn't even read the article, did you. If you had, you would see why it
made no sense. The "recall" isn't even listed as a recall at the Target
website. In fact, I have some Just Mayo coming to my house. Ordered it last
night from Walmart. It does cost a few cents more than the Target price I'd
rather a few cents more than a few dollars more.
This is hardly a tragedy. I wish you'd get a life. But no. You'd prefer
wallowing in the mire and taking cheap pot shots at other people to bolster
your weak ego.
I mentioned the product because several here really like it. It has won many
taste test awards and some famous chefs use nothing but this product. SF is
one who likes it. Anyone know what became of her? I am not seeing her posts.
Unless perhaps I accidentally KFed her. I have done that before to people.
Even myself.