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Default Wow, Wayne, burn center is busy there

On Tue, 27 Jun 2017 17:28:54 +0800, JBurns >

>On Mon, 26 Jun 2017 14:05:39 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>>On 6/26/2017 12:58 PM, Ophelia wrote:
>>> I never liked to lock my car for the same reason. It seemed kind of
>>> pointless. These days, I keep equipment in the car for my business so it
>>> has
>>> to be locked. I'm not sure what can be done about that.
>>> ==
>>> Our cars have alarms. If anyone opens it in any way without first turning
>>> off the alarm ... and it is very loud!

>>Yes, that alarm keeps the 10 year olds out of it. By 14 they know how
>>to bypass them and steal your car.

>Most alarms cannot be bypassed unless you can get into the car in the
>first place. The more time it takes to get in, the longer the alarm is
>sounding. My alarm warns anyone that gets too close to the car and
>will start sounding if anyone even touches the door handles without
>disabling first.

Car alarms don't work without the battery and with a lot of cars a
battery cable can be snipped with bolt cutters or garden loppers
from underneath the vehicle. Often thieves don't want the vehicle so
they don't care to start it, they can strip all the vitals in minutes,
or they tow it to a chop shop.