Thread: Sprouts, market
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Sprouts, market

"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> On Tue, 27 Jun 2017 18:46:30 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
>> .44...
>>> On Tue 27 Jun 2017 07:37:19a, Janet told us...
>>>> In article >,
>>>> says...
>>>>> I'mn sure everone apprecites you pointing out every type that I
>>>>> make.
>>>> Oh look everyone, Wayne has made four typos in just one line.
>>> Oh look everyone, Janet is really a superior bitch!

>> I have not cooking anything either. Only thing her pot is doing is taking
>> cheap pot shots at us!

> You know, for the hypocrite who just said, "Now I am reminded of why I
> quit posting here", you sure can fling your own shit and it's not
> supposed to stink as bad? That little tiff didn't involve you or
> anything you said. So why interject your own pot shots?

Because I don't like seeing people being picked on,
> ObSprouts: They don't have anything that I can't get at a regular
> grocer, except pretentious gluten free products and questionable
> herbal supplements. They have a decent selection of beer singles and
> growlers, they usually have a cheap "cheese of the week" for $2.99/lb
> as well as finer cheeses, and there is usually enough discounts on
> produce to make it a worthwhile stop. But some of the produce doesn't
> last as long as it does from other stores. And often times the bulk
> containers are not properly rotated so that old/stale/rancid nuts are
> mixed in with fresh nuts. And don't trust anything from the hot food
> display (chicken and ribs, usually). I've seen stuff sit there for
> 48+ hours under heat lamps.

I tend not to buy bulk stuff. Winco is the exception. Their stuff sells
fast. My mom used to put bulk popcorn and dried beans in my Christmas
stocking. I kept begging her not to buy that stuff because the store she
bought it from (no longer there) sold old goods. I suspected that the
popcorn was the source of those weevils I got in my cupboard some years
back. This was confirmed from reading online reviews not long before the
store closed.

I also dislike buying produce that doesn't last long. This seems to be
common with what I buy from Whole Foods and sometimes Winco, but Trader Joes
is the worst with their stuff sometimes being rotten when I buy it. Most of
what they sell is sealed in tight plastic so it feels firm to the touch.
Then you open it and it's bad. Also saw a problem when the newest to this
area Costco first opened. We were there the first day. I had gone to buy
produce and left with none. I think in that case, they put it out and it had
been sitting there for many days before the store opened.

I don't know about this location. When it was Safeway, it was never busy, no
matter when I went in there. It was also one of their smaller stores. And
it's not very far from Central Market which seems to be similar. But...
Central Market has been disappointing me. For some reason, they just keep
cutting back on the number of items they sell. The produce and meat are
still good, but it seems when I go for other things, they flat out quit
selling them.