Thread: Sprouts, market
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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Sprouts, market

"Julie Bove" wrote in message news

"Ophelia" > wrote in message

> Here's an unusual item usually found in Australian supermarkets:
> <>
> It's so unusual , I had to Google to find out what it's called.
> ==
> We call them toffee apples. We had them a lot when we were children)

We have nothing by that name. We have either candy apples or caramel. Mostly
available in grocery stores in the fall but you can get specialty ones
online. The candy apples have a hard coating. I haven't had one since I was
a kid. It had a hot cinnamon coating and it was very hard to eat. I couldn't
bite through the coating and licking it took forever. These days I think
they come in a variety of flavors.

Of the two, caramel apples are more common, at least in this area. The
bottom might be dipped in nuts, sprinkles or chocolate chips. I bought a few
last fall at a greatly reduced price. Nobody ate them so I decided to try
one. One tiny bite was enough to tell me why I hadn't had one in years.
While the one bite was nice, I didn't want any more of it and that was that.


I haven't had one in years either but I have seen them in shops with
sprinkles on the tops

We had a woman near us who made and sold toffee apples. We always bought
them from her)

The toffee was beautifully thin and crispy. Not hard to eat at all. I
don't know what modern ones are like though. I daren't trust my fillings
