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lucretia lucretia is offline
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Posts: 212
Default MW spies, you fell for it?

On Wed, 28 Jun 2017 17:57:00 -0400, jmcquown >

>On 6/28/2017 5:22 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> On 6/28/2017 3:45 PM, lucretia wrote:
>>> On Wed, 28 Jun 2017 13:22:49 -0400, jmcquown >
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 6/28/2017 12:15 PM, lucretia wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 28 Jun 2017 09:13:28 -0400, jmcquown >
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On 6/27/2017 2:04 AM, Cheri wrote:
>>>>>>> Nothing scary about it, just don't need a lot of it.
>>>>>>> Cheri
>>>>>> Exactly, Cheri. I don't need everything to be connected. In this
>>>>>> case
>>>>>> I'm talking about smart phones and "connected" appliances.
>>>>>> Why would I need to be able to turn the lights on (or off) in my house
>>>>>> via a phone? If I'm going out and I know it will be dark when I
>>>>>> return,
>>>>>> I switch on a lamp before I leave. No need to turn on lights using an
>>>>>> app on a phone.
>>>>> Living in a house I might like to turn different lights on and off if
>>>>> I was away, to make it appear I was not away.
>>>> I used timers that turned the lights on and off in the bedroom and
>>>> living room when I was away. Just plug it into the electric socket and
>>>> plug the lamp into the timer. Set the timer. On at dusk, off at
>>>> bedtime. On again in the morning, off during the day.
>>> I usethose for convenience but I am referring to a house, if you want
>>> potential burglars to think someone is at home, the lights need to be
>>> different every night. You can't do that with timers.

>> Sure you can. Mine varies on and off by 30 minutes either way. Many
>> others available. Some vary each day, others do random. You can get
>> timers that compensate for the length of day during the year too.

>Funny how she believes you but she didn't believe me. Mine aren't even
>digital. Timers you plug in and dial to turn on off and specific times
>in different rooms. Day and night, different lamps. Nothing new.
>Don't need a phone to do it.

Ed was talking 'digital' timers, far newer stuff than mine - or yours
likely. If I set mine they go on and off religiously at the periods
set. Maybe the digital ones are doubtful, I don't know, I live in a
condo now not an isolated house by a beach.