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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default MW spies, you fell for it?

"Bruce" > wrote in message
> On 28 Jun 2017 17:34:14 GMT, notbob > wrote:
>>On 2017-06-28, jmcquown > wrote:
>>> I recently saw a TV ad showing a teenage brother and sister driving home
>>> in a car. Their parents called, did you do the laundry? They scrambled
>>> on the phone, find the app! They turned on the washing machine via
>>> their phone.

>>Reminds me of the TV ads that showed 3 kids, in a room, all
>>interacting with ther cellphones. If you have 3 teens in a room all
>>ignoring each other so they can txt msg on their cell phone, there is
>>something terribly wrong with those kids ...and our society.

> I read that young people are becoming sexually active later because of
> social media. Maybe that's a good thing.

They're doing everything later. I found it odd that they were having slumber
parties and sleep overs in high school. These are things we did in
elementary school and perhaps 7th grade. Beyond that, we most only slept at
someone else's house if there was a reason for it. Like we both worked at
the same place, had to be there early in the morning and the one person
lived a lot closer to work.

They're driving a lot later too. I guess my kid was rogue. She got her
license as soon as she turned 16 and lucked out in being able to get a good
car for cheap. A lot of people her age not only have no license but haven't
even learned to drive.